Cuyahoga County CHIP Progress Tracker
Three significant health needs were selected as priority areas based on the findings of the 2022 Cuyahoga County Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA). In addition, Eliminating Structural Racism and Enhancing Trust and Trustworthiness will continue to be overarching focal areas. This page tracks progress on these priorities as outlined in the 2023-2025 Cuyahoga County Community Health Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP). Each CHIP priority includes goals and strategies to improve the health of all Cuyahoga County residents.
Priority: Accessible and Affordable Healthcare
Accessible and affordable healthcare is a critical issue in Cuyahoga County, as many residents struggle to access healthcare services. The Cuyahoga County CHIP will work to improve access to healthcare by expanding health clinics, increasing outreach to underserved populations, and promoting health insurance enrollment.
Goal: Improve the percent of children accessing preventative care in Cuyahoga County.
Strategies: (click here to expand)
Strategy 1: Engage with families in communities with relatively poor access to explore drivers of care, and barriers to access.
Strategy 2: Develop strategies to reach unengaged families of children (0-15 months and 12-17 years) in the communities of Slavic Village and Cleveland Heights.
Metric to Track: Percent of Children on Medicaid with a Recent Preventative Care Visit (click here to expand)
Priority: Behavioral Health (Mental Health & Drug Use/Misuse)
Behavioral health is another major concern, as residents suffer from mental health and substance use issues. The Cuyahoga County CHIP will work to improve behavioral health by increasing access to mental health services, promoting early intervention, and addressing the underlying social determinants of behavioral health.
Goal: Improve transitions of care for Cuyahoga County residents after a behavioral health hospitalization.
Strategies: (click here to expand)
Strategy 1: Engage with stakeholders to identify barriers in accessing behavioral health services.
Strategy 2: Develop strategies between hospitals and community mental health centers to better connect individuals to care and provide more supportive services to reach their appointment.
Strategy 3: Launch interventions aimed to improve behavioral health transitions of care.
Metric to Track: Coming Soon (click here to expand)
No graph data
Priority: Community Conditions (Access to Healthy Food)
Access to healthy food is a major concern in the county, as many residents lack access to fresh fruits and vegetables and are at risk of diet-related illnesses. To address this issue, the CHIP will work to increase the availability of healthy food options in low-income neighborhoods and educate residents on nutrition and healthy eating.
Goal: Coordinate the uptake and expansion of existing fruit and vegetable voucher incentive and produce prescription programs in areas of high food insecurity in Cuyahoga County.
Strategies: (click here to expand)
Expand communication campaigns to raise awareness about fruit and vegetable incentive programs at markets offering Produce Perks.
Integrate culturally relevant and nutritious foods into produce prescription programs offered at clinical settings Cuyahoga County.
Increase the number of clinical sites offering produce prescription programs and the number of people receiving these prescriptions.
Metric to Track: Number of places with enhanced processes for providing vouchers for fruit and vegetable voucher incentive programs in areas of high food insecurity in Cuyahoga County (click here to expand)
Metric to Track: Number of fruit and vegetable incentive program vouchers distributed at farmers markets (click here to expand)
Metric to Track: Dollar amount of fruit and vegetable incentive program vouchers distributed at farmers markets (click here to expand)
Metric to Track: Number of places newly issuing produce prescriptions or places with enhanced processes for providing produce prescriptions in areas of high food insecurity in Cuyahoga County (click here to expand)
No graph data
Goal: Increase access to high-quality, nutritious foods through farm to institution programs in early care and education (ECE) programs in areas that serve children at high risk of nutrition insecurity.
Strategies: (click here to expand)
Engage early care and education professionals to identify opportunities and challenges by conducting a Farm to ECE landscape analysis.
Convene a Farm to ECE workgroup to develop strategies that build capacity for ECE programs to better connect young children to their food.
Metric to Track: Number of stakeholders engaged (click here to expand)
Metric to Track: Number of ECE programs implementing Farm to ECE programs (click here to expand)
Goal: Increase access to high-quality, nutritious foods through farm to institution programs in school districts in areas that serve children at high risk of nutrition insecurity.
Strategies: (click here to expand)
Increase the number of school districts procuring local foods for child nutrition programs.
Engage with local and regional producers through farm to school readiness planning.
Metric to Track: Number of school districts procuring local foods for meal and snacks programs (click here to expand)
Metric to Track: Dollar amount spent on locally and regionally produced food by school districts (click here to expand)
Metric to Track: Number of BIPOC and Socially Disadvantaged Farmer/Food Businesses (SDF) supplying school districts with local foods (click here to expand)