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Priority: Accessible and Affordable Healthcare

Accessible and affordable healthcare is a critical issue in Cuyahoga County, as many residents struggle to access healthcare services. The Cuyahoga County CHIP will work to improve access to healthcare by expanding health clinics, increasing outreach to underserved populations, and promoting health insurance enrollment. 

Goal: Improve the percent of children accessing preventative care in Cuyahoga County.

Priority: Behavioral Health (Mental Health & Drug Use/Misuse)

Behavioral health is another major concern, as residents suffer from mental health and substance use issues. The Cuyahoga County CHIP will work to improve behavioral health by increasing access to mental health services, promoting early intervention, and addressing the underlying social determinants of behavioral health.

Goal: Improve transitions of care for Cuyahoga County residents after a behavioral health hospitalization.

Priority: Community Conditions (Access to Healthy Food)

Access to healthy food is a major concern in the county, as many residents lack access to fresh fruits and vegetables and are at risk of diet-related illnesses. To address this issue, the CHIP will work to increase the availability of healthy food options in low-income neighborhoods and educate residents on nutrition and healthy eating.

Goal: Coordinate the uptake and expansion of existing fruit and vegetable voucher incentive and produce prescription programs in areas of high food insecurity in Cuyahoga County.

Goal: Increase access to high-quality, nutritious foods through farm to institution programs in early care and education (ECE) programs in areas that serve children at high risk of nutrition insecurity.

Goal: Increase access to high-quality, nutritious foods through farm to institution programs in school districts in areas that serve children at high risk of nutrition insecurity.